It's a crazy goal, and maybe even overposting as far as a beer blog goes, but a new goal and a new OMG in 2010.
1) Beer posts everyday. If it's not a review, it's beer news. A big midwestern U.S. spin on it, because that's where OMG Beer! is based, but given that there's no beer style OMG Beer! doesn't appreciate, plenty of international beer news as well.
2) New review style. Besides brewery information, there's going to be some kind of scoring. Often, it'll be compared to style guidelines, but also, to OMG Beer!'s favorite beer(s) in that category. For example, Rogue's Mocha Porter and Great Lakes's Edmund Fitzgerald Porter are both favorites of OMG Beer!, as far as porters go. The River West Brewing Company porter is based on Edmund Fitzgerald in theory.
3) Features/Articles. In the works are posts on the history of porters and stouts, tasting notes on a recent Stout tasting, holiday beers in theory and practice, and then whatever else we at OMG Beer! come up with.
4) New Look. Eventually, OMG Beer! wants to move off this generic, provided by blogger look and roll into something fancier, sexier, and more customizable. Also, something better able to provide beer porn.
5) Homebrewing a month, minimum.
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